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How It Works

​Help your customers find the best product - with productadvisor!
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Chatbot for custom buying advice

Let your users chat with your product database! This helps them find the right product for their individual needs and get all the information they need to make a good buying decision.

More conversions, less returns

Make it easy for users to navigate through your product offerings in a ChatGPT-like interface. Better informed customers result in more conversions and less returns.

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AI-powered for best answers

The productadvisor chatbot is based on best-in-class large language models (LLMs) from OpenAI. You can choose between GPT 3.5 (quicker responses, lower price) and GPT 4.0 (better responses) based on your individual use case.

No training required

Unlike traditional ecommerce chatbots, with productadvisor there is no need to train the chatbot with question-answer-pairs. We just need your product database (e.g. as csv-file - and yes we can work with your existing Google Shopping Feed!) and your bot is ready to go!

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Easy implementation

​To get the productadvisor chatbot on your shop website, you just have to copy and paste one line of code! No cookies are required, so no need to worry about cookie consent and GDPR compliance issues.

No maintenance

Your chatbot is always up-to-date with your product data. There is no additional work required to get new products in the chatbot experience.

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About us

As a company, our background is in developing comparison platforms like to help users find the best product for the best price in information-heavy verticals like consumer electronics.

At the beginning, we developed an ecommerce chatbot simply to improve the user experience on our own websites’ with the help of AI. But we quickly noticed that this type of chatbot is so powerful, that every online shop should have the opportunity to use it. With you can make your webshop ready for the age of AI!
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